Jul 4, 2017 | Books, Writing Life |

Prospective cover for A Pixie’s Promise
Here it is in all its glory! The preliminary cover for A Pixie’s Promise. This morning, I wrote 1175 words of chapter 4, and I think I’m about halfway through the chapter already! I may be on to chapter 5 by Thursday. We shall see.
May 11, 2017 | Books |

Sketch of the cover for A Pixie’s Promise, by my daughter, Nora
I’ve been discussing the cover of my next novel with Dreaming Robot Press, and it occurred to me that I’ve never shared with you the fact that I’m working on the sequel to A Witch’s Kitchen. So for all of you who have been nagging me to write one, rest assured. It’s in progress. A Pixie’s Promise features Petunia as the viewpoint character, with her own unique strengths and problems to overcome. I’m under deadline to turn in the manuscript by the end of the year, and if all goes well, A Pixie’s Promise will come out in August 2018!
Apr 14, 2017 | Books |
I know, it seems like the 2017 Young Explorers’ Adventure Guide just came out, and here we are touting the 2018 YEAG. Dreaming Robot Press has put together a fabulous collection of stories from amazingly talented authors, as usual. They are:
The Great Broccolli Wi-Fi Theft, by Nancy Kress
The Sting of the Irukandji, by Kristy Evangelista
Polaris in the Dark, by Jameyanne Fuller
Dance Like You’re Alone in Your Environmental Pod, by Eric Del Carlo
Fluffy Pets are Best, by Holly Schofield
Moth Girl, by Abigail Putnam
Station Run, by Sherry D. Ramsey
On the Lam on Luna, by Morgan Bliss
Nocturnal Noise by L.G. Keltner
Juliet Silver and the Forge of Dreams, by Wendy Nikel
My Mother the Ocean, by Dianna Sanchez!!!!!! SQUEEEEE!!!!
The Altitude Adjustment, by Wendy Lambert
After the End, by Bruce Golden
Abduction Assumption, by Stephen Blake
The Smell of Home, by Anne M. Gibson
Blaise of Luna, by Blake Jessop
No Place Like, by William B. Wolfe
Until We Have Faces, by J.P. Linnartz
Anjali, by Rati Mehrotra
Eyes Wide Open, by Deborah Walker
Clockwork Carabao, by Marilag Angway
Safe in the Dome, by Anne E. Johnson
Far from Home, by Dawn Vogel
The Shepherd’s Way, by Barbara Webb Sinopoli
And when can you read these awesome stories? Well, the Kickstarter is scheduled for mid-June this year, and the anthology will be out in January 2018. Stay tuned for more info on the Kickstarter!
Dec 2, 2016 | Books |
Just in time for the busy holiday shopping season, the 2017 Young Explorers’ Adventure Guide is now available from Amazon.com or your local independent bookseller. (Disclosure: I’ve got a story in this.) This remarkable anthology consists entirely of science fiction stories written for kids – mostly middle schoolers but also a little YA. This is unique in the publishing industry right now – no one else focuses on SF for kids, which is a shame because that’s the age of wonder, when children are just starting to really explore their world and all its possibilities. Science fiction teaches kids to ask that all-important question: what if? The ability to imagine what could be is what fuels innovation, from Silicon Valley to civil rights.
So this season, give the young (or young-at-heart) reader in your life the invaluable gift of imagination. I can hardly wait for my copies to arrive: one for under the tree, and one to donate to my daughter’s school library. I’m wishing fervently that I had ordered more during the Kickstarter. There are so many people I’d like to give it to. Off to Porter Square Books I go to order more!
Sep 26, 2016 | Books |
I’m getting emails and tweets from all the folks who contributed to the Kickstarter saying that they’re receiving their copies in the mail today. Thanks again to everyone who helped make the campaign a smashing success!
Now, as they post photos of their new acquisitions, their friends are asking, “How can I get one?” There are oh, so many ways!
- If you live in the Boston area, you can walk into Pandemonium Books and Games in Cambridge and pick one up.
- If you live anywhere else, you can go to your local independent bookstore. As long as they use Ingram, you can order a copy from them. Even chains like Barnes and Noble can do this.
- You can order directly from Dreaming Robot Press.
- You can always order from Amazon.com.
Wherever you buy the book, please share your experience by posting a review on Amazon.com!
Thanks, everyone!
Sep 20, 2016 | Books |
Sorry to interrupt my Harry Potter posts. Book launch week has arrived and is mostly eating all my time. To celebrate, Dreaming Robot Press has made the eBook of A Witch’s Kitchen available a few days early on Amazon.com, and they’ve set the price to a mind-boggling 99 cents! But this price won’t last. On September 25th, the official launch date, the price will go up, so grab it while you can! All we ask is that, once you’ve read it, you take a moment to leave a review on Amazon. Thanks!
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