May 28, 2017 | Writing Life |
Back in 1995, just a year out of college, I managed to nab a spot in the Clarion Workshop. I will never forget what I learned there. It made me a far better writer. I also made lasting friendships and connections within the science fiction community.
Now I’m giving back. Clarion runs largely on donations, and every year, they run a Write-a-Thon. Writers pledge to write a certain amount of work, counted in words or chapters or hours or edits, and supporters pledge money if those writers complete their goals. I’m hereby pledging to write five chapters of A PIXIE’S PROMISE during Clarion this summer – that is, between June 25 and August 5. My plan is to write one chapter per week, except for the week when I’m off on vacation. I’m hoping to raise $125 from my efforts – that’s just $25/chapter!
But it all depends on YOU, my readers. Can ten of you spare $12.50? Can 125 of you spare a buck? What are you willing to pay to see not only the sequel to A Witch’s Kitchen written, but also to support the next generation of great science fiction and fantasy writers? What is that worth to you? I’m betting it’s worth at least a dollar.
So please, go to the Clarion Write-a-Thon page and sign up to pledge your support, for me and other fantastic writers as we work to support excellence in science fiction and fantasy.
May 22, 2017 | Writing Life |
Hi, all. I have recently been informed by my daughters that this blog is boooooooring and not at all interesting for kids. So I’d really like to know: what would you like me to write about on this blog? What’s fun and interesting to you? Parents, please ask your young readers what they look for on authors’ blogs. As an incentive, I will a send a FREE signed copy of A Witch’s Kitchen to one person who comments on this post. Thanks!
May 11, 2017 | Books |

Sketch of the cover for A Pixie’s Promise, by my daughter, Nora
I’ve been discussing the cover of my next novel with Dreaming Robot Press, and it occurred to me that I’ve never shared with you the fact that I’m working on the sequel to A Witch’s Kitchen. So for all of you who have been nagging me to write one, rest assured. It’s in progress. A Pixie’s Promise features Petunia as the viewpoint character, with her own unique strengths and problems to overcome. I’m under deadline to turn in the manuscript by the end of the year, and if all goes well, A Pixie’s Promise will come out in August 2018!
May 11, 2017 | Events |
Quick reminder: I’m reading tonight at Pandemonium Books and Games in Cambridge, sometime between 7 and 9pm. There will be cookies from me and goodies from another author, so save some room after dinner for dessert!
i’m having trouble deciding what to read. Here are the selections I’m considering:
1. The first chapter of A Witch’s Kitchen
2. The mud fight chapter of A Witch’s Kitchen (always a crowd pleaser, but I’ve read it at Pandemonium before)
3. The bonus Cretacia story from the Kickstarter, which I don’t think I’ve ever read aloud
4. My short story “Weeds” from YEAG2017
5. My short story “My Mother the Ocean”, which will appear in YEAG2018
Which one would you like to hear? Please vote in the comments or on my Facebook page.
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