Behold the Glory of the New Site Design!

This has been a crazy, crazy summer, taken up mostly by packing up my entire household and moving. What spare time I’ve had I’ve been pouring into preparations for the release of A Witch’s Kitchen. I realized early in the summer that there was NO WAY I would also have time to revamp my web site. I wanted something fun and inviting for my young readers, but my web design skills are very, very rusty.

Fortunately, I noticed a Facebook post from Erica Schultz Yakovetz, an old friend looking for freelance work, and I swiftly hired her to do the redesign. I am DELIGHTED with the results, and I hope you are, too! We rushed the launch to coincide with Bubonicon, which I’m attending all this weekend. There are even more, cooler features that we’re planning, so this site is still somewhat under construction. Keep checking back for new content, or better yet, subscribe to my newsletter to keep up with all the changes.

In the meanwhile, I’d like to express my undying gratitude to Erica for going above and beyond to get this gorgeous site up. Erica also does book design and production. If you’d like to contact her, she can be reached at: