Nov 6, 2018 | Events |

Here’s a little taste of what’s to come tonight. Before Halloween, I had a private party for my beta readers, critique partners, and wonderfully supportive neighbors. We had a blast, and I’m expecting tonight to be every bit as fabulous, pouring rain and election gloom notwithstanding. I’ll do readings, tell bad jokes, answer questions, and feed everyone cupcakes. I have gift bags for everyone who buys one of my books.
Before you come, PLEASE VOTE!!! If you have to choose between coming to my party and voting, VOTE. (You shouldn’t have to choose – the polls close at 8pm and my party ends at 9pm.) And if you come in wearing your “I Voted” sticker or with a photo of yourself wearing one when you voted early, you are eligible to win one of three giveaway prizes!
So if you live in the Boston area, I hope to see you tonight at Porter Square Books!

Oct 24, 2018 | Books, Events |

They’re here and ready for you to read! At long last, A Pixie’s Promise is available for purchase on Amazon (eBook only until Amazon gets their act in gear), Barnes and Noble, and IndiePub. The eBook is also available on Kobo and iTunes. I recommend that you support your local independent bookstore, where you can order a copy through Ingram. My two favorite bookstores in the Boston area are Porter Square Books and Pandemonium Books and Games, both in Cambridge.
If you’d like a signed copy, my book launch party is at Porter Square Books on November 6th, 7-9pm. That’s right, Election Night, so please vote early and then come hang out and eat cupcakes with me!
Thanks to everyone who helped make this book possible, from my critique group partners to my young beta readers to Dreaming Robot Press, my magnificent publishers. And thanks to my awesome family, who inspire me and put up with all my writing shenanigans. I couldn’t have done it without all of you.
Jun 24, 2018 | Events |
Readercon is coming up in just a few weeks, July 12-15, 2018 at the Quincy Marriott, and I will be there and SUPER BUSY! Here’s my schedule:
10am – I Love It! Now Rewrite It – Salon C – I’ll be moderating this panel and sharing all the gory details on the A Pixie’s Promise / An Elf’s Equations split.
1pm – Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading – Salon A -Although I’m scheduled for this, I will likely step aside and let other folks read because I have a solo reading this year. But I will definitely be there in the audience, and if there’s time, I’ll have a piece to read.
4pm – Autographs – Come by and get me to sign your copy of A Witch’s Kitchen! You can also do this at various times in the Dealers’ Room, where I’ll be selling copies.
6pm – Witches in Legend and Folklore – Salon C – I’m hoping to discuss some of my inspirations for A Witch’s Kitchen, including the curandera tradition in my family.
9pm – Kaffeeklatch – Come chat with me about witches, cooking, kidlit, Kickstarters, or whatever else strikes your fancy.
10:30 – Reading – Salon A – I’ll be reading primarily from A Pixie’s Promise, but I might just give a sneak peek at An Elf’s Equations! Have a request? Let me know in the comments or on Facebook.
Apr 25, 2018 | Books, Contests, Events, News |

Heads up! Want to win a free eBook copy of A PIXIE’S PROMISE? I’m running three contests, giving you three chances to win!
April 27-29: BAD JOKE CONTEST – Come up with an answer to that age-old question, “Why did the dragon cross the road?”
May 4-6: FAN ART CONTEST – Draw your favorite characters and places from A WITCH’S KITCHEN and post them on my Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram feeds.
May 11-13: FANTASY BAKING COMPETITION – Think no cake is complete without twizzler sea serpents or unicorn horns? Make your fantastic confection and post photos on my Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram feeds.
Contests begin at noon Friday and end at midnight Sunday each week. You may enter as many times as you like. For each contest, one entry will be selected at random to receive a free eBook. Winners will be announced on our Kickstarter campaign page the Monday after the competition (April 30st, May 7th, and May 13th).
So get your creative juices flowing and stay tuned for further developments.

Apr 10, 2018 | Books, Events |

It’s live, folks! You can now order A Pixie’s Promise at Early Bird prices! And if you and/or your child enjoy paranormal mysteries, please consider supporting Twain’s Treasure as well. I thought it was a rollicking good read.
Also, a quick reminder that we’re holding a Facebook Party tonight, 5-7PM Eastern time, when I’ll be reading the first chapter of A Pixie’s Promise on Facebook Live! I hope you can join us.
Jan 10, 2018 | Events |
It’s that time of year again! Arisia, the largest science fiction convention in the Boston area, is this very weekend, and I’m appearing in six different panels and events:
- Friday, January 12, 5:30pm – Food and Fandom – Faneuil
- Saturday, January 13, 10am – Broad Universe Rapid Fire Reading – Adams
- Saturday, January 13, 2:30pm – Beyond Hogwarts: A Young Fan’s Reading List – Hancock-FastTrack2
- Saturday, January 13, 7pm – A Wrinkle in Time and Entries into Fandom – Marina 1
- Sunday, January 14, 7pm – Which Book First: Introducing SF to Kids – Marina 2
- Monday, January 13, 10am – Race and Identity Issues in SF – Marina 4
I will also be in the Dealers’ Room at the Broad Universe table selling my books and other fabulous books by my fellow Broad authors. If you are attending Arisia, please drop by and chat!
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