Schedule a School Visit
Thank you so much for considering me for a visit to your school! My programs and rates are listed below. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I hope to speak with you soon!
A Witch’s Kitchen Reading and Q&A
Grade Level: 3-5
Duration: 30 minutes (give or take 5 minutes, depending on the age of the class and the number of classes to be visited)
Technology Requirements: No tech support is necessary.
Unleashing Wonder: Harnessing the Imagination to Create Powerful Fiction
Grade Level: 5-8
In this writing workshop, I discuss some of the tools that imaginative fiction uses to address real world problems. I alternate reading from my novels and short stories with assigning the class writing exercises. I encourage students to share their writing with the class and discuss the exercise and how each exercise can be used to examine and illuminate ordinary problems in extraordinary ways. Workshop synopsis available upon request. Exercise sheets will be provided. Students need not have read my novels before the workshop.
Duration: 1 hour
Technology Requirements: I will need a projector and the ability to connect my laptop to the projector.
2019-2020 School Visit Rates
$400 for a half day (up to 3.5 hours)
$800 for a full day (7.5 hours, including a half hour lunch break)
For schools not local to me there may be travel charges. These are determined on a case by case basis.
Please note that I charge based on time, not on the number of classes visited. When scheduling multiple classes, please include a 5-minute break between classes for logistics (getting to the class, setting up the presentation, etc.).
I give the following discounts:
20% off to schools that are local to me (Greater Boston area, within 1 hour of my home)
30% off to Title 1 schools
50% off to Title 1 schools that are local to me
Variable discounts for schools that partner with other schools/locations to schedule visits on the same day or consecutive days
Virtual Visits
Offer for teachers: If your class has read any of my books and would like to ask me some questions, please contact me to set up a free 15-minute Q&A Skype chat!
45-minute Skype sessions: Includes a short reading from one of my novels or short stories, a “craft chat” where we discuss single element of the writing process (where writers get ideas, revision, using specific poetic devices, etc.), a Q&A session, and a writing prompt. 45-minute Skype sessions are $75.
I want to support the needs of your individual classroom. Please contact me for more information, or to ask me about creating a customized visit based on your curriculum.